The more you know

What blockchain is TacVue built on?

TacVue will be launched on the Avalanche C-Chain but this is not where we plan to stay. Over the next two years we want to expand to other emerging chains. We believe that a multi-chain system will allow for members to seamlessly trade NFTs across different networks without worrying about connecting to dangerous sites.

What are the gas fees or other related fees TacVue takes?

There are three types of fees that are present on the TacVue marketplace.

  1. Gas Fees: A minimal gas fee will be applied to minting, listing and purchasing NFTs. As we continue to add on-chain engagement metrics and various on-chain engagement tools, these will also incur minor gas fees.

  2. TacVue Revenue Share: 2% of transactions on our platform

  3. Permanent Storage Fee: Instead of paying the excessive fees that usually go hand-in-hand with minting on Ethereum, Avalanche provides us with low-cost minting capabilities. While we could have stopped here, we decided to add another feature: Permaweb Storage. This is the fastest decentralized storage option available in the market today and is significantly more secure than IPFS. Our team believes that these issues will come to light more frequently as links get broken and marketplaces with centralized storage stop paying for storage. The first buyer of any NFT will cover an additional charge (in AVAX) for Permaweb storage.

What is the difference between TacVue and OpenSea?

There are a ton of differences between TacVue & OpenSea. Let's explore a few.

  1. Scalability: The gas fees on Ethereum are extremely high. Although Opensea supports Polygon Network, a low-fee alternative, there are some still some issues with regards to exchanging Polygon NFTs. OpenSea requires collectors to bid and sell using WETH. This defeats the purpose for a Polygon Network integration since transactions are settled on the Ethereum network. TacVue is built on Avalanche and maintained an average gas fee of $0.02 through testing.

  2. Utility Token: The TacVue platform has its own token that can be earned by staking RXG. The token will be used for social engagement, a currency option for NFT bidding and power various tools within the platform. Recharge ($RXG) will also work as a governance token for holders to have a say in future developments of the TacVue Dapp.

  3. Immersive: The TacVue Dapp includes an experiential marketplace that focuses on entertainment rather than barebones commerce. We believe that it will bridge the gap between finance and media consumption by providing members with a more entertaining alternative.

What categories does TacVue cover for NFTs?

TacVue will be launching with 9 categories:

  1. Art

  2. Music

  3. Sports

  4. Gaming

  5. Virtual Worlds

  6. Photography

  7. Collectibles

  8. Videos

  9. Miscellaneous

In the future we are considering a hashtag category system that would allow for "trending categories" to be given higher placement as an autonomous ranking functionality.

What gives TacVue value?

TacVue value is driven by the combination of middleman elimination and decentralized finance to boost the creator economy to its full potential. Creative work has long been undervalued and taken advantage of by traditional corporations. We believe that TacVue will allow for creators to build new brands in the web3 space utilizing our tools and services for accelerated growth.

What wallet connections are available ?

The TacVue Dapp can support Metamask as well as any Wallet supported by WalletConnect & integrated with Avalanche C-Chain. Once TacVue expands into new networks we will be able to host additional wallets.

What is the long-term plan to accelerate product development?

We are a conservative web3 company and pride ourselves in our sustainability. That being said, we are product-centric because we believe that the products that generate the most value to its community will outlast options that

What is the plan to improve customer support and customer safety ?

Although we will not be able to provide phone support to our customers initially, we plan to put a heavy focus on developing a customer support team that can address issues that occur on our platform. We will not be able to assist with transactions that occur as a result of user error because all transactions are immutably stored on the C-Chain and would require us to override the chain.

If you need to get customer assistance, please contact sales@tacvue.io.

How do you plan to grow the team?

Our team will continue to grow in 3 primary sectors:

  1. Internet & Blockchain Development

  2. Content Creation & Creative Design Development

  3. Regulatory & Compliance

We are seeking out partnerships in the finance, technology and creator industries and will continue to deliver new functionalities with the help of our partner network.

Last updated